MVC Tourney leaving St. Louis?

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MVC Tourney: Where should it be held?

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Jason Svoboda

The Bird Level
No more Arch madness?

Certainly nothing has been decided, but the Missouri Valley in considering moving its conference tourney from St. Louis after this season. The league is accepting requests for proposals from St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Des Moines and Chicago.

The facilities in Kansas City, Des Moines and Omaha are all under construction or are very new. Chicago apparently wants the Valley to take the place of the Big Ten, which has opted to move its event on a full-time basis to Indianapolis.
Do you want to see it moved? If so, to which city?

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It's time the MVC take it's act on the road... why can't they alternate sights like some of the other conferences do?
Probably will be KC. Don't doubt Elgin would love to basically make it a home game for Wichita State.

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I think attendance would be better in KC, the area around the arena also has better facilities for food, entertainment, etc...

let's face it too, the eastern bloc school in the MVC are not helping with attendance at Arch Madness in St Louis anyway. And besides, people can get to KC as easily as St Louis, just a little further to drive.
Kansas City definitely knows how to host a college basketball tournament. In their response to the request from the MVC, all KC needs to do is show a slideshow of pictures from the Big 12 tournament this year. The Sprint Center and the adjacent Power & Light District with bars, restaurants, etc. make it almost perfect for any sporting event.

With that said, despite me living in Kansas City I still want the tournament in St. Louis. We have a hard enough time getting ISU fans to travel to the tournament and adding an additional 4 hours to the drive from Terre Haute won't help at all.

Vegas and Chicago don't seem like legitimate possibilities, really. This is a St. Louis vs. Kansas City decision.
Kansas City definitely knows how to host a college basketball tournament. In their response to the request from the MVC, all KC needs to do is show a slideshow of pictures from the Big 12 tournament this year. The Sprint Center and the adjacent Power & Light District with bars, restaurants, etc. make it almost perfect for any sporting event.

With that said, despite me living in Kansas City I still want the tournament in St. Louis. We have a hard enough time getting ISU fans to travel to the tournament and adding an additional 4 hours to the drive from Terre Haute won't help at all.

Vegas and Chicago don't seem like legitimate possibilities, really. This is a St. Louis vs. Kansas City decision.

I think KC is going to make a serious push to win the bid this time around, last time it was open for bidding I don't know that their effort was high enough to win the bid. And you're right, having it in KC will diminish the amount of ISU fans who would attend, but it really won't matter because so few ISU fans go to St. Louis anyway, bring on KC I say!
I think attendance would be better in KC, the area around the arena also has better facilities for food, entertainment, etc...

let's face it too, the eastern bloc school in the MVC are not helping with attendance at Arch Madness in St Louis anyway. And besides, people can get to KC as easily as St Louis, just a little further to drive.

That little further to drive is stopping you from coming east is it not and it is just as easy to get to St Louis from the west as KC is from the east. Your reasons purely selfish.
That little further to drive is stopping you from coming east is it not and it is just as easy to get to St Louis from the west as KC is from the east. Your reasons purely selfish.

no argument from me on that, it would be closer for me to get to KC and I think it'd be more fun for MVC fans for it to be in KC as well.

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It would seem the Arch Madness moniker would be inappropriate at any site other than St. Louis. I don't see Vegas or Chicago getting the bid. Maybe we could call the KC tournament the Cow Town Crown. :eek:hno:
It just absolutely would shock me to move it to Kansas City. It would, and correct me if I'm wrong, be a farther destination for fans of everyone but Wichita State. If attendance is the sole motivator, wouldn't it make sense to move it closer to the bulk of the conference? St. Louis is a 4 hour drive from folks in Indianapolis. Kansas City is 7 and a half. If moved to Kansas City, I'll likely never attend the MVC conference tournament again because I'd have to book/lose an entire day (possibly even two) just for travel. Also, and while I appreciate Wichita State's fan base, but they've openly discussed jumping conferences multiple times over the past 24 months. Do you want to satisfy one fan base only to have them bolt for a "better" conference and leave the other 9 schools alienated?
Can we assume it's not making enough money in St. Looey? Or are they tired of hosting it? Could be the contract is just up. Anybody know?
MVC accepting bids to host Arch Madness

I don't think they will move it, accepting bids is nothing more than testing the waters - doesn't mean the want to move or have any plans on moving. In other words, I will go ahead and go on the record and say they aint leaving.

I wouldn't attend another weekend of MVC Tourney plus they would have to come up with a new slogan, gotta love Arch Maddness! Aint happening people.

You've got 4 schools in the state of IL and 2 in the state of IN. SL is about 10 to 15 mins give or take from the IL state line - they aint going to move it further from half the conference, it doesn't make a bit of sense for them.

Not a buyer.

And while I'm on the subject because I aint talkin about this any longer - if they consider KC why not get a bid from Indy? I mean Indy good enough for the B10 Tourney and the Super Bowl but the MVC disinterested... Wants a bid from Kansas City. Right. Aint leaving St. Louis - I could see Chicago before KC.
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For selfish reasons, I hope it stays in St. Louis. I doubt I'd ever go again unless we were having a once in a lifetime season. Also, the phrase Arch Madness sounds so good and you wouldn't use that in K.C.
I hope it stays in st. Louis. You cannot get a better location for the whole conference. I think its time that the sycs start bringing more fans. I don't think its out of the question for us to bring 1, 500 - 2, 000 every year.

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Have a feeling that it will stay in St. Louis, unless they are thinking of alternating the way the Big Ten does. Or maybe KC will knock it out of the park with their pitch and minds will be changed. My gut tells me this is a way for the conference to keep St. Louis on their heels and use KC to get a better deal for the conference from St.L, like some upgrades to the Scottrade Center.
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