IU gives up home court in NIT

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The Wade Level
IU really need to realize their no longer a "banner" or elite program. If the NIT isn't goo enough for a game at home then maybe you should just have declined the invitation. What a joke.

Mark Adams‏ @EnthusiAdams 1h1 hour ago

According to Wash Post: "Indiana didn’t want to ‘devalue’ its home court by hosting an NIT game" #DOMOREWITHLESS TEAMS ANYWHERE ANYTIME!

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Sam Beishuizen of TheHoosier.com writes that Indiana missed an opportunity by declining a home game:

Indiana Athletics does countless things right. They’ve gone out of their way to improve fan experiences on game days, been active and sometimes groundbreaking in the use of new technologies to bring viewers closer to the games and generally do a good job in helping the community around the school.

But they whiffed on this move.

The reality is that the crowds at an NIT game at the newly renovated Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall were not going to be standing room only. Already slightly embarrassed to be in the NIT to begin with, empty seats certainly wouldn’t have been the greatest of looks.

But is this worth it?
Interesting comment from the Georgia Tech Coach............."an honor to host a blue-blood like Indiana". I know where he is coming from but the word "blue-blood" & Indiana doesn't ring true anymore and has not for a long time.
I think there are some programs, basketball and football, where the "elite" term has just gone dormant and could be back in a heartbeat with the right coach.