harry marshall

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  1. Jason Svoboda

    Will Marshall be available for CBI game?

    Has anyone seen Marshall on campus recently? Is he wearing any sort of boot or anything? If I'm not mistaken, he re-aggravated his stress fracture in the game with Illinois State.
  2. Jason Svoboda

    Sunday Special: ISU basketball's Marshall taking on leadership role

    Harry Marshall was never a men?s basketball recruit at Indiana State University. Not in the usual way thinks of a freshman being recruited anyway. More...
  3. BlueHeart

    Change in Harry's Scholarship

    Caught this in Todd Golden's blog this morning. Good news for Harry! Are we finished recruiting though? http://blogs.tribstar.com/downinthevalley/
  4. IndyTreeFan

    Where are we headed??

    Thought this would be good for discussion, from a post over on the other ISU forum: Now that our beloved Trees are done with the basketball season, I thought I'd take a moment to reflect on what's happened, what's happening, and what might happen as we move forward. Just my opinions, so you...