Lamar Lee - Highland Community College

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its too bad he was forced to leave too!! someone that meckena recruited himself...hum he seems smart and knows what hes looking for
“After the season last year, I kind of knew he was looking to leave like I was looking to leave,” said Lee

Hmmm...."forced out" huh?

Oh, wait, he's probably lieing in his comments to the paper to cover up for McKenna who alledgedly threw him out of the ISU team. Yeah, that makes PERFECT sense.

Probably in your world EVERYONE on the team should play the same amounts of minutes too. Just to be sure everyone is happy.
its too bad he was forced to leave too!! someone that meckena recruited himself...hum he seems smart and knows what hes looking for

Cole, we all see you are still hurting. The only place you will get true comfort is in the Bible. Start reading it and living it.

"Seek first to understand."
oh and Scollie who are u like meckenas brother??! like you would know, did it ever appear to you that he was mabe asked to say that?? eerrrrrrr dont be such a waterhead

Look, go take an English class and then a typing class. Your posts are difficult (at best) to decipher, and certainly do nothing for your "cause."

Oh, and why don't you start an "I Hate Kevin McKenna Board," where you can spout this stuff all day long to people who actually want to read it. All three of you...

Have a nice day, and remember - Jesus saves!!!:pray:

It is an easy task to read his IP on his message & contact his internet provider to determine his identity. If you have any questions about how to go about it, contact me.

It is interesting on his "Profile" that he lists "Former Player"?
oh and Scollie who are u like meckenas brother??! like you would know, did it ever appear to you that he was mabe asked to say that?? eerrrrrrr dont be such a waterhead

This made me chuckle...McKenna...not that difficult to spell. I should know cuz I'm the brother. Thank you for playing c3p0.

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this isnt cole and first of a

ll dont preach to me, meckena is the one that need your prayers

thank you

No, everyone needs prayers. I am trying not to preach, but you seem very angry and lost. Like I told your brother, Hooper 5, this type of stuff happens all the time in D1. If you were a new coach or person in any job who was paid for performance, wouldn't you want to surround yourself with the best people possible?