The Forest Hits 1,000 Student Members

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The Blue Level
The student organization the Forest has hit 1,000 members as of last week. In comparison the total for all of last academic year was 690. If anyone on here knows/is a current student JOIN THE FOREST! Confirmed away basketball bus trip for at least 50 members completely free.

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Awesome... do you have any events planned outside of event attendance?

I'd like to figure a way to get more students here and to become diehard. One of the issues we face is that students are passive fans versus the older alumni that are diehards and aging out. For example, we've lost Dr. B, Bob Todd, etc... in the last several months that were just HUGE Sycamore supporters. We need to figure out how to replace them with folks that will be diehards for life.
I'd like to figure a way to get more students here and to become diehard.

Humans naturally like to be a part of something. I stumbled across this place a long time ago during the first major conference realignment shift back in the early 2010s because I was googling "conference realignments" and discovered message boards. I can say with 1000% confidence I would not be 1/10 the sycamore fan I am today without Sycamorepride. Once I discovered there were other "diehards" out there constantly talking all things Sycamores (I didn't know we existed prior) I found myself a part of something and it grew my fandom. Takes a while to understand the "culture" of message boards and get the gumption to start posting and starting threads, but man is it nice to be a part of a community that shares you passions. Get the word out to the youngins that this place exists and I'm sure there will be a handful that stick
Awesome... do you have any events planned outside of event attendance?

I'd like to figure a way to get more students here and to become diehard. One of the issues we face is that students are passive fans versus the older alumni that are diehards and aging out. For example, we've lost Dr. B, Bob Todd, etc... in the last several months that were just HUGE Sycamore supporters. We need to figure out how to replace them with folks that will be diehards for life.
Yes, we will be part of the Homecoming parade, will be doing a community service project here too for the month of October. I think we definitely have some members are leaders who are/will be diehard fans.