Beautiful day to be a Sycamore/ ranked 23Rd

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For all the alumni, all the students, and anybody affiliated, with ISU, finally after all these years, since the Larry Bird years we have a team ranked in the Top 25!!! This all started when Coach Lansing was replaced by Coach Schertz 3 years ago.
We finally have a winner, check ESPN today and we are the lead story about ISU basketball. Think about it, after all these years 40 plus years ,and we finally, finally, get ranked in the top 25. Yes we had Menser and Renn and Odom, and now Coach Schertz.
Enjoy the moment, enjoy the ride, not only for this year, hopefully for next year as well, since we have everybody coming back except our 6th man. We also better take care of coach financially.
A great day for Sycamore Nation!

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This all started when Coach Lansing was replaced by Coach Schertz 3 years ago.

That shot at Lansing must have felt good huh. So unnecessary. Just like why even make the post?! Like let it go… Also it’s a team game I think all would agree here? I think we’ve sort of all grown to love this team.

Lansing recruited Julian Larry. So this all actually started well before he was replaced. Technically speaking.

If you’re going be positive - then just be positive! If you want to take shots - take shots but at least be accurate.
Someone (Schertz) being an all-timer should never take away from someone else (Lansing) being good. Lansing was a good coach for us -- remember we had the lowest budget many of those years. And he bleeds Sycamore blue.

And like was said, Lansing still played a part in this team through Larry.

It's a special time to be a Sycamore. Everyone who contributed deserves to be celebrated...and that includes Lansing!
No shot coming here.......but here is something positive. I am positive that the community must look at coach as
an investment. An investment that will pay huge dividends. So pony up the cash and pay him what he is worth and help keep the
players. In a side note.....they have recruited well and will continue to do so. If the green ($$$$$$) is available, there are bright days ahead
for ISU basketball, ISU in general and TH at large.
It's a great tike to be a Sycamores fan, or at least in MBB and baseball!

If you’re going to get cute get it right… The disrespect and lack of knowledge is incredible for someone like you who has followed InState athletics for a long time. Men’s Track and Field has won 2 straight indoor and 2 straight outdoor MVC titles. Find another program in the last 30 years that has won more than track and field.

I’ll wait…

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Let's get serious. Nobody cares about track and field and it doesn't bring in near the revenue as those two sports.
Let's get serious. Nobody cares about track and field and it doesn't bring in near the revenue as those two sports.
Not sure that comment is completely necessary. I'm a T&F alum, but not a T&F diehard. That has been the most consistent sport ISU has had; period. During some bad years of sycamores athletics the shining moment was hosting the Cross Country National Championships and winning some conference championships. I agree it's not a spectator sport, but people still care about it. Is it ever going to bring in the revenue/media attention a good baseball or basketball program? absolutely not. But that was a pretty uncalled for shot at the most consistent and successful program ISU has ever had
Let's get serious. Nobody cares about track and field and it doesn't bring in near the revenue as those two sports.

You missed this point - you might not care and that’s fine but you also don’t understand so don’t talk about things you know nothing about. No one is saying it brings in the revenue of basketball - that’s not what he was talking about either when he got cute.

Track/Cross Country combined brings in equal revenue to baseball potentially more especially if looking outside of InState exclusively and the community at-large. I could probably find the numbers if I thought it would be worth my time but based of the tone of your post I know better.

At the end of the day IndState Track Cross Country has hosted multiple MVC Championship, NCAA Regionals and NCAA National Championship events in Terre Haute. Remember when we couldn’t even host a baseball Regional?! Yeah… We’ve never once turned down an NCAA hosting event in Track and XC.

Stay in your lane. (Pun intended)
You missed this point - you might not care and that’s fine but you also don’t understand so don’t talk about things you know nothing about. No one is saying it brings in the revenue of basketball - that’s not what he was talking about either when he got cute.

Track/Cross Country combined brings in equal revenue to baseball potentially more especially if looking outside of InState exclusively and the community at-large. I could probably find the numbers if I thought it would be worth my time but based of the tone of your post I know better.

At the end of the day IndState Track Cross Country has hosted multiple MVC Championship, NCAA Regionals and NCAA National Championship events in Terre Haute. Remember when we couldn’t even host a baseball Regional?! Yeah… We’ve never once turned down an NCAA hosting event in Track and XC.

Stay in your lane. (Pun intended)
Also throw in there the IHSAA state championships every year and how many people that brings into the Haute. During my time we hosted the NIKE Midwest championships which were the top runners from the Midwest. Not sure if we still host that. The Wabashiki trail is pretty much a direct result from the cross country program. Just a pretty ignorant comment
Also throw in there the IHSAA state championships every year and how many people that brings into the Haute. During my time we hosted the NIKE Midwest championships which were the top runners from the Midwest. Not sure if we still host that. The Wabashiki trail is pretty much a direct result from the cross country program. Just a pretty ignorant

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Is The Nike Midwest Championship the same as The Cross Country NCAA Championship? I remember we had that in The Haute? I think.
I love ISU T&F/CC. I couldn't run from here to the mailbox, but during the dark times, those programs were a bright light for ISU fans. At least we had one thing to be proud of. The rest of our athletic department can only hope to be as consistent as T&F/CC. Baseball is close, basketball might be someday (if we can pay).

We need to celebrate what we're good at. There have been too many times when there was very little to celebrate in ISU Athletics.
I love ISU T&F/CC. I couldn't run from here to the mailbox, but during the dark times, those programs were a bright light for ISU fans. At least we had one thing to be proud of. The rest of our athletic department can only hope to be as consistent as T&F/CC. Baseball is close, basketball might be someday (if we can pay).

We need to celebrate what we're good at. There have been too many times when there was very little to celebrate in ISU Athletics.
Plus, there’s no reason to attack our own programs when there’s plenty of IU fans out there on social media who truly think they would beat us this year.

Do the right thing, direct your anger to random IU fans on social media 🤣
Calm down SSOM! Wasn't trying to "disrespect" track and field or any other sports, simply I don't follow them so to me I'm not concerned about them honestly. Do I want them or am happy they are very good of course I am because I'm a State fan. I couldn't tell you much or anything about the volleyball team either because it's not my sport.

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Sorry about that was not trying to disrespect Coach Lansing, and secondly I made the post cause its a significant day in Sycamore basketball, it took 45 years to finally get ranked in the top 25, and I am very happy on how the program has come to reach new levels with Coach Schertz. in only 3 years!!! Hopefully we keep this run going, we have a bright future, and now I am going to watch the game in the next couple of minutes !!! Go Blue!!!
I have had to chuckle at a number of you over the last couple of days. You have been talking about a final four appearance when we have barely won our last several games. After tonight if we don't win the MVC tournament there is no way we will be in the dance. We just got humiliated by an 11-14 team that has lost there last three games. We didn't just lose we were slammed by 13 points. I am not hopeful Saturday or next Wednesday at Evansville. They took Drake down to the last second.
I have had to chuckle at a number of you over the last couple of days. You have been talking about a final four appearance when we have barely won our last several games. After tonight if we don't win the MVC tournament there is no way we will be in the dance. We just got humiliated by an 11-14 team that has lost there last three games. We didn't just lose we were slammed by 13 points. I am not hopeful Saturday or next Wednesday at Evansville. They took Drake down to the last second.
The SIU game and Evansville game had me concerned even before last night. I've even stated that I'm not 100% confident we'll make it past Saturday in St Louis because I think our (lack of) depth is a real issue.

Last night was just a typical ISU choke job and I'm pretty much immune to it at this point. I was sort of expecting us to lay an egg against Bradley or Drake when we sold out, but laying an egg right after getting a top 25 ranking is about right.
Sometime I think never should have started this post, Oh man, I could not believe what I was watching last night after being ranked #23. Well, we finally had to get a loss, and we looked terrible, completely out of sink Just throwing 3's up there, no rythym, no cutting, and finallky NO ENERGY.