Illinois State Redbirds Get Media Attention

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Hell, him taking a knee has gotten the team more attention on this forum than it received all off-season. And truthfully, there really hasn't been that much media coverage. There were actually far more articles about them beating us 58-28.
Can we please stop with all the "negative press" nonsense about the kneeling during the anthem on Saturday? Trust me, NOBODY outside of our little Sycamore Blue bubbles are talking about this. I venture to guess it happened nearly 100 times over the last weekend's games across America; we're not special. We're not losing recruits or donor money or anything else because of it. When you Google 'Indiana State University Football,' Doyle's article from the Indy Star in 2014 is still one of the top searches.

Maybe, maybe we can have adult conversations about how we each feel about Saturday's happenings, and maybe we can do it without calling each other names or resorting to personal attacks, but I can assure you all that this is irrelevant as a story outside of this forum and your Facebook feeds.
Hell, him taking a knee has gotten the team more attention on this forum than it received all off-season. And truthfully, there really hasn't been that much media coverage. There were actually far more articles about them beating us 58-28.

If only most of those outraged (and I'm not just talking here but on all social media) actually went to games and donated...

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It be a small sign we're winning the 'apathy' battle

True, could it cause even more division among fans and players? Their only reason for coming could be to cause division, be it racial or otherwise. If that kind of unfortunate situation should occur I see nothing positive coming from it. If it means more butts in the seats to observe others and watch the game w/o a
negative issue in mind, I hope they come back and bring friends with them.
True, could it cause even more division among fans and players? Their only reason for coming could be to cause division, be it racial or otherwise. If that kind of unfortunate situation should occur I see nothing positive coming from it. If it means more butts in the seats to observe others and watch the game w/o a
negative issue in mind, I hope they come back and bring friends with them.

It could be said they're doing that currently with no net impact on any programs at Indiana State.