ISU adds troubled QB to roster

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Judging from the way Miles has demanded conformity to team rules from the current players, I have no doubt that this kid will be held to the same standards that everyone else will. I'll just bet that Miles told him that he'd give him a chance, and if he screws up, he's gone. Of course, that's just speculation on my part.

Remember, also, that Miles probably recruited this kid at Washington, so I bet he's known him for several years and has a pretty good idea of what he's getting into.

Let's hope that clean livin' in Terre Haute can straighten this kid out!!!
Eleven violations in 18 months as a high schooler. Are you kidding me. I guess no one had control of the kid for at least 18 months.
I have faith and trust in Miles, and if he sees something in this kid, I am behind this. I am certain he will be on a short leash.
So don't let him drive and keep him away from frat parties and we have a winner! I've joked for a while with friends that Indiana State needs to take on some talented problem players. Now that they're doing it, I'm not going to complain. Let's hope for the best. The school has won one football game in three years. How can we be embarrassed by lower standards?

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So he cut the kid who was falsely accused (never convicted) of sexual assault, removes countless other players due to alcohol or team rule violations but signs a kid who has 11 violations on record just because he was supposed to go play for a weak Pac-10 team?

Your such a bitter person. You so think someone, somewhere along totally shafted you. Your a former player, but you come off as negative. Support your team!! Well ex team, cuz evidently YOU COULD NOT HACK COLLEGE FOOTBALL!!!! Well, Id probably quit too and focus on my education if i probably never saw much p.t.
Hey 99.

Don't be too hard on 49. He occasionally p***** me off too, but he has some insight into the situation and although that may cloud his opinion at times he makes some good points.

Read the back-and-forth between himself and Tom James and you'll learn a lot about ISU football.

BTW, welcome. Obviously you're a passionate Tree fan

TLS has actually become a great poster. He admitted he was not the best player on the team. However, he also gave us great insight into what was wrong with ISU football. Good Stuff, if you ask me.

You will open up to him! Most of us have.

Thank you guys! I see now. That is good in-sight. I apologize guys and TL

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