I think enrollment was over 11,000 or so when I left in 2000 -- I remember a big hub bub being made about cracking 11k again. I believe undergraduate enrollment was around 9000 of that. If I'm not mistaken, enrollment back in the 70s was like 13,500.Assuming many on this Forum are ISU grads, do you know the faculty to student ratio in the year you graduated? (I'm talking teaching faculty here, not the usual inflated figure that throws administrators and temps into the faculty side of the ratio.) In your estimation, was that ratio about right, too low or over-staffed? What is it now? What should it be for a student body of 14,000? If the ratio is going to fall, are more on-line courses a satisfying fix? Are you anxious to pay your kids' tuition to sit in front of a computer as s/he takes ISU courses? Are such depersonalized course offerings likely or less likely to lead to student retention and higher graduation rates?
My gen ed classes were always small (30-40 students) and my major classes were always smaller as well -- some classes were as small as 20 students. There were some elective classes I took that were 10-15 students in size. This was also when online courses were being introduced -- I think I took one of the first online classes ever at ISU, so they didn't have significant numbers in that area.