Paying college players?

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I've got a little discussion group that I'm involved with that includes current coaches, ex coaches, and officials. The latest discussion has been paying players for their service and their "value." If a sport doesn't bring in any money the athletes won't receive any cut of the pie, money generating sports on the other hand have free reign to pay their players what they can and what they think they're worth. What do you all think about this concept? It's caused heated debate amongst my friends and myself.

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The argument that some are making is that players should get paid by what they bring in. Star athletes get more than role players. Basically make it like the pros.
Then do away with college athletics altogether and form an NBA and NFL "farm team" system like MLB has.

Paying players sets a dangerous precedent for colleges, and will have innumerable unintended consequences. Bad idea...
I'd say no way to paying college players. They do need to go back to letting high schoolers go straight to pro's. Makes no sense just to have this 1 year rule. Let the kids go make their money if possible. The money the school's make off of kids is needed to keep the programs going...they should get none of that action IMO...if they're good enough they'll get paid later for it. Otherwise, get your free education and make a living like the rest of us.
That's what I think too. If you payed the players based on their "value" then you would eliminate most sports from every university. Some are making the argument that if we want to make college basketball on the up and up then that's the way to do it so nobody cheats. It's kind of the same philosophy as make murder legal so nobody breaks the law if you ask me. Just wanted to know what others felt about it.

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I agree that players should not get paid, however, they need to repeal the rules about not having a job. Some of those kids need jobs to pay for things that they need and want.
I agree that players should not get paid, however, they need to repeal the rules about not having a job. Some of those kids need jobs to pay for things that they need and want.

You're right on that one. But what then will happen is what was going on at UCLA with Lew Alcindor - he had a "summer job" at a film studio in Hollywood making $5,000 a month. Sure, he was worth that (to the film studio...)...