Sycamore Program Finances: How do we stack up?

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Jason Svoboda

The Bird Level
I took a couple minutes today throwing together an Excel spreedsheet from the available data in the NCAA Financial Reports database that outlines Revenues/Expenses for Indiana State and several other MVC schools including Illinois State, Missouri State, Northern Iowa, Southern Illinois and Wichita State.

I also create several head-to-head sheets for Men's and Women's basketball as well as one for Football. It's pretty interesting to see it broken down, where money is spent, so on and so forth. Download it and give it a look!

URL: MVC Team Finances Spreadsheet by

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In reference to the football team, and why they've stunk for so long, look at the women's basketball numbers. We spend more on women's basketball than any other conference school, other than MSU. Gee, we're also pretty successful. Conversely, we spend less than anyone else other than Illinois State on football, and we stink. In recruiting for football, we spend FAR less than everyone else.

You cannot expect the football team to compete when it's put behind the 8 ball like that. Once again, it's a decision to do it right, or get out of it. Doing it the way they're doing it now looks worse than not having football.

That said, I fully expect and trust Ron Prettyman to fix this problem.

Ticket Sales: Money received from sales of tickets.

Student Fees: Fees that specifically fund the athletic department. In some cases these come with something in return, like tickets to games.

Guarantees: Money received from participation in away games.

Contributions: Donations to athletic department, including amount paid in excess of a ticket

Direct State or Other Government Support: Any government money specifically for the athletic department that the university has no option to use elsewhere.

Direct Institutional Support: Includes unrestricted funds allocated to the athletic department by the university. For example, state funds and tuition waivers.

Indirect Facilities and Administrative Support: Examples: Use of university attorney, facility maintenance, grounds and field maintenance, security, risk management, utilities, and debt service.

NCAA/Conference Distributions: Including all tournament revenues Bowl games, tournaments and NCAA distributions.

Broadcast, Television, Radio, and Internet Rights: Money from contracts negotiated directly by the university (not the conference or NCAA) for radio and television broadcasts, Internet and ecommerce rights.

Program Sales, Concessions, Novelty Sales, and Parking: As it states

Royalties, Advertisements and Sponsorships: Money from corporate sponsorships, ads and royalties. The value of products or services provided as part of a sponsorship equipment, apparel, sport drinks, etc. are included.

Sports Camp Revenues: Sports camps and clinics.

Endowment and Investment Income: Returns on investments and or endowments.


Athletic Student Aid: Includes summer school; scholarships for athletes who are inactive due to medical reasons; and scholarships for student-managers and graduate assistants.

Guarantees: Monies paid from participation by opponents in home games.

Coaching Salaries, Benefits, and Bonuses Paid by the University and Related Entities: Gross salaries, bonuses and benefits paid to head and assistant coaches.

Coaching Other Compensation and Benefits Paid by a Third Party: Athletically-related compensation that comes from a third party but is contractually guaranteed by the school. Examples: car stipend, country club membership, entertainment allowance, clothing allowance, speaking fees, housing allowance, compensation from camps, radio income, television income, shoe and apparel income.

Support Staff/Administrative Salaries, Benefits and Bonuses Paid by the University and Related Entities: Sport-specific columns include salaries for positions such as football secretary or a sport-specific trainer. Others are in the "Non-Program Specific" column.

Support Staff/Administrative Other Compensation and Benefits Paid by a Third Party: Compensation paid to support staff by a third party and contractually guaranteed by the institution. Ninety percent of schools list "zero" on this.

Severance Payments: Payments to coaches dismissed before their contract has expired.

Broadcast, Television, Radio, and Internet Rights: Money from contracts negotiated directly by the university (not the conference or NCAA) for radio and television broadcasts, Internet and ecommerce rights.

Recruiting: Includes coaches' travel and meals, players' travel and food for "official" campus visits.

Team Travel: This includes food and lodging for housing the team before a home game.

Equipment, Uniforms and Supplies: As it states.

Game Expenses: Includes game officials, security, event staff and ambulance.

Fund Raising, Marketing and Promotion: Costs associated with fund raising, marketing and promotion, including media guides, brochures and recruiting publications.

Sports Camp Expenses: Costs associated with running youth sports camps

Direct Facilities, Maintenance, and Rental: Direct facilities costs charged to the athletic department, including building and grounds maintenance, utilities, rental fees, and debt service.

Spirit Groups: Money spent on bands, cheerleaders, mascots, dancers, etc.

Indirect Facilities and Administrative Support: Should be equal to what’s in revenue Category 8 (Indirect Facilities and Administrative Support).

Medical Expenses and Medical Insurance: Includes medical insurance premiums for athletes.

Memberships and Dues: Includes membership fees for the NCAA, conferences and coaches associations.
Other Operating Expenses. Includes printing and duplicating, subscriptions, business insurance, telephone, postage, nonteam travel and any other operating expense not reported elsewhere.
Very enlightening! I wonder what the severance pay line-item for women's basketball is all about?
Hopefully we see a severance line under Football for the remainder of Lou West's contract. :pray: Enough is enough, mark this up a a bad hire and give RP a chance to rebuild this program. Sorry for the of topic rant. :sycamores:

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Hopefully we see a severance line under Football for the remainder of Lou West's contract. :pray: Enough is enough, mark this up a a bad hire and give RP a chance to rebuild this program. Sorry for the of topic rant. :sycamores:
Well, you sorta got what you asked for.