'16 IN SG Desmond Bane

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I didn't like the way he didn't seem to care that the defender was lying flat on his back and not getting up. Maybe I'm just being overly sensitive.

Noticed that too. Never cared for athletes (any athlete in any sport) acting like a badass after making a play. You didn't charge into a burning building or disarm a bank robber, don't get too cocky.
Not sure if you guys ar watching the MVC semi final game against Evansville, but we could use a bulldog like this. Sportsmanship is important but I also want a guy that plays with an edge and some arrogance.

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I didn't like the way he didn't seem to care that the defender was lying flat on his back and not getting up. Maybe I'm just being overly sensitive.

Looked to me like he didn't even notice the guy still laying there, Bane seemed to be "in the zone". That was a monster play though.

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Good luck to him --- from the tone of the story(ies); you'd expected him to be closer to his Gr-Grandparents... unless they plan to relocation to Ft Worth

Won't surprise me if he transfers after a year or two. I think he made this decision with his ego, not his head.