The JSW Level
Does anyone know why the state would approve a Casino in Terre Haute, when placing one in Indy would generate about 100 x's the Taxes and Revenue for the state?
Yes, there's one in Anderson...but I just don't see where all the attendee's for a Terre Haute casino would draw from.
There's just NOT enough people in Clay, Sullivan, Owen, Greene, Vermillion, Parke, Putnam, etc, and the equally sparse and equally financially challenged counties across the river in Illinois. Heck...add in Knox and Davies counties....and it's still a stretch....especially since there's an existing Casino in French Lick.
What am I missing?
I think if you look at the distance in illinois you could draw from. Your options are Peoria or St Louis. I know a lit of people willing to drive to evansville or st louis. I suspect it would work in Terre Haute
I’m nit sure why the state should be deciding what communities get one anyway bur thats another whole argument