Crossroad Of Champions Recurring Payment Problem

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Can my NIL contributions get me 2 good tickets to Bradley game? That’s a nice thank you I think

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Just logged in and mine also was stopped with last pull on 9/10.

Also noticed that I also had no monthly receipt emails either after 2023.

So I just realized that after they stopped my $100/mo donation, that they started a new $8.99 debit as of October 10th including the 10th of this month which obviously shouldn't have happened if Indiana State terminated their relationship as of January 1.

I logged in to the old portal and it shows my payments stopping as of 9/10.

Old Portal URL:

I am unable to log into the portal on the actual Crossroads of Champions website. Is anyone else experiencing this?
- We made the decision to terminate the deal effective 1/1 but given payment cycles to athletes we decided to continue through the end of February technically.

- All subscriptions are set to be canceled 1/30. Members will not be charged at all (even incorrect amounts after this date. Sorry I should have updated you all on this - it was originally intend to be a 1/1 total termination but things changed.

- You all should be getting a letter in the mail sometime in February thanking you for past contributions and asking for support for next basketball season. The letter will have a link/qr code to the website that is currently being setup through RJL Solutions.

- All season ticket holders, donors to InState Basketball and donors to NIL will receive the letter.

- A similar letter will go out for Baseball soon as well.

What am I missing?

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Since ISU is advertising about it, guessing it's okay to donate to men's 🏀 through crossroad of Champions?

I did yesterday.

One word of warning. The website is wonky and not user friendly. Once you're logged in and go away from the account page, you cannot get back to it that I can tell. So you can either bookmark the URL or you will have to clear cookies so you get prompted to sign back in.

Also, when you're on the account page and go to Update Plan, it just goes to the Join page and doesn't show what plan you're currently on. If you forgot for some reason, you can click on Cancel Plan to see.
I did yesterday.

One word of warning. The website is wonky and not user friendly. Once you're logged in and go away from the account page, you cannot get back to it that I can tell. So you can either bookmark the URL or you will have to clear cookies so you get prompted to sign back in.

Also, when you're on the account page and go to Update Plan, it just goes to the Join page and doesn't show what plan you're currently on. If you forgot for some reason, you can click on Cancel Plan to see.

Just so you know - RJL inherited this site, they had to change some of the plug-ins and such just to get everything up and running. The user experience should improve over the next couple of weeks. They were always planning on making some of these changes but I do appreciate you sharing this as I shared your feedback with them removing your name from it obviously.

Any other suggestions you all have I welcome them - don't know how quickly I can respond to them but will do my best.
I gave my annual NIL 🏀 amount. Would now like to give a smaller amount to ⚾. Not sure website is allowing me to switch to baseball giving. Thoughts?

Also, at checkout, would be nice for the webpage to specifically state which sport you are giving towards on the payment summary page, before clicking 'pay.' This clarity would be reassuring.

Eventually, would be nice to receive email confirmation after giving, with amount, date, & sport giving towards.

Not trying to be critical, simply sharing thoughts. I know a lot of work has gone into getting ISU NIL to this point. Thanks
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I gave my annual NIL 🏀 amount. Would now like to give a smaller amount to ⚾. Not sure website is allowing me to switch to baseball giving. Thoughts?

I told them to never let anyone give to anything other than basketball tbh. 🤣🤣

I actually did say that in so many fewer words to anyone that would listen several months ago in one of our NIL meetings… Obviously, it doesn’t quite work that way and I get it.

Really good feedback - let me look into the scenario you presented and share your suggestions. My understand was that the automated emails thanking/confirming your donation had indeed started but maybe not. I will check! Thanks again, good stuff! The people donating / the members are the one’s whose feedback needs to be listened to and acted on when appropriate!