IU football coach radio interview didnt go so well

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Kudos to Coach Wilson.

I've listened to that show a couple times on my drive in when Mike & Mike are talking about golf or something else that doesn't interest me. They're terrible. That station used to have Czabe and he was much better.
You know what? I never since my freshmen year of college thought I would say this, BUT I am rooting for Kevin Wilson and IU football now. That's crap, idc if you think a coach has no shot in hell to be successful or not, you do not act that way when he gives you enough time for an interview. Kevin Wilson you just got one big fan for calling some media members out on their crap.

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You know what? I never since my freshmen year of college thought I would say this, BUT I am rooting for Kevin Wilson and IU football now. That's crap, idc if you think a coach has no shot in hell to be successful or not, you do not act that way when he gives you enough time for an interview. Kevin Wilson you just got one big fan for calling some media members out on their crap.
That's how I look at it. He's coming in the same way Trent came into Indiana State. We're done putting up with the bullshit and being doormats. If the Head Coach doesn't stand up for his program, why should his players?
That's how I look at it. He's coming in the same way Trent came into Indiana State. We're done putting up with the bullshit and being doormats. If the Head Coach doesn't stand up for his program, why should his players?

TOTALLY. I at first when reading the reaction instead of hearing about it I was like, "Man that may be a little too much from Coach wilson,"...Without hearing the context though and then I saw how these entitled radio punks reacted afterwards, they need to realize that interviewing coaches is PRIVILEGE, not a right...
I'm totally an IU football fan now.(Kevin Wilson only maybe) I never thought I would say that. Trudeau acts like Illinois is some kind of power. I hope IU pounds Illinois.
Kudos to Coach Wilson.

I've listened to that show a couple times on my drive in when Mike & Mike are talking about golf or something else that doesn't interest me. They're terrible. That station used to have Czabe and he was much better.

If only I could get 950 better on the north side. I would listen to Czabe every morning.
If only I could get 950 better on the north side. I would listen to Czabe every morning.
Without a doubt. When they pulled him for Steven A. Smith, I thought I was in some bizarro world. Then Smith was pulled for these douchers.

950 is now Yahoo Sports Radio. I think Yahoo is the best sports journalist outfit going.

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Maybe Jack should go buy some more liquor for the underage house parties he hosts. Dude is an ass clown.

Are you kidding me? I’ll preface my comments first by saying I’m NOT a big fan of Jack; we don’t know how long Coach was on hold and he could have been having a bad day…but for Coach Wilson to have an attitude like that on a national radio station was (I thought) ridiculous. That IU program needs some positive PR and he came across sounding like the almighty Robert Montgomery Knight…maybe he’s trying to create a knew toughness…he said he didn't appreciate guys talking about the past and then turned around and talked about the past...#smh
Are you kidding me? I’ll preface my comments first by saying I’m NOT a big fan of Jack; we don’t know how long Coach was on hold and he could have been having a bad day…but for Coach Wilson to have an attitude like that on a national radio station was (I thought) ridiculous. That IU program needs some positive PR and he came across sounding like the almighty Robert Montgomery Knight…maybe he’s trying to create a knew toughness…he said he didn't appreciate guys talking about the past and then turned around and talked about the past...#smh

You have got to be kidding me, the guy insulted his school, his team and then expected him to just take it? If it was Trent and the radio show host used to play for Southern Illinois and gave him the same treatment. I would be fine with Trent being like: "You know what man, I take time out of my day for you, not for me for you and you treat me like this? F*** you man."
Never have or will be an IU fan but I am now a Kevin Wilson fan. Jack is a mega doucher. And that other guy just need to shut the hell up. How can anyone listen to that show with that guys annoying little chipmunk voice....WOW!
Are you kidding me? I’ll preface my comments first by saying I’m NOT a big fan of Jack; we don’t know how long Coach was on hold and he could have been having a bad day…but for Coach Wilson to have an attitude like that on a national radio station was (I thought) ridiculous. That IU program needs some positive PR and he came across sounding like the almighty Robert Montgomery Knight…maybe he’s trying to create a knew toughness…he said he didn't appreciate guys talking about the past and then turned around and talked about the past...#smh
Could he have taken the high road? Sure, but I respect him a helluva lot more for not doing so. The world has become to politically correct and people are WAAAAAY too nice even when they're being walked all over. BTW, IU doesn't need any positive PR. Any PR is good PR. They're having a damn good year recruiting and this will likely add to it.

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You have got to be kidding me, the guy insulted his school, his team and then expected him to just take it? If it was Trent and the radio show host used to play for Southern Illinois and gave him the same treatment. I would be fine with Trent being like: "You know what man, I take time out of my day for you, not for me for you and you treat me like this? F*** you man."

What were the insults?

He joked about not hearing the iu fight song played (a lot) when Trudeau was at Illinois (btw, Trudeau's Ill teams swept gloomington)

1983 Ill 49-21 @ Ill; Illini went 10-2/9-0, lost the Rose Bowl, iu was 3-8/2-7
1984 Ill 34-7 @ Hoosier Dome; Illini went 7-4/6-3, iu was 0-11/0-9
1985 Ill 41-24 @ Ill; Illini went 6-5-1/5-2-1, lost the Peach Bowl, iu was 4-7/1-7

both sides over-reacted; there's very little football tradition in gloomington.
We'll see if Wilson turns the ship, we'll have to wait and see how long he stays...
You have got to be kidding me, the guy insulted his school, his team and then expected him to just take it? If it was Trent and the radio show host used to play for Southern Illinois and gave him the same treatment. I would be fine with Trent being like: "You know what man, I take time out of my day for you, not for me for you and you treat me like this? F*** you man."

I understand what you're saying but it would have been a great time for Coach Wilson to show some class and explain that he's there to change all of that. If was Jack wrong insulting IU (nothing he said was false) then Coach lowered himself to Jack's level talking about the past and beating up on Illinois. A coach with his success and experience should be able to handle media...very disappointing for IU fans-BUT WHO CARES, we've got the SYCAMORES to be proud of...let's talk ISU football. Who's got an update on day one of 2-a-days!
What were the insults?

He joked about not hearing the iu fight song played (a lot) when Trudeau was at Illinois (btw, Trudeau's Ill teams swept gloomington)

1983 Ill 49-21 @ Ill; Illini went 10-2/9-0, lost the Rose Bowl, iu was 3-8/2-7
1984 Ill 34-7 @ Hoosier Dome; Illini went 7-4/6-3, iu was 0-11/0-9
1985 Ill 41-24 @ Ill; Illini went 6-5-1/5-2-1, lost the Peach Bowl, iu was 4-7/1-7

both sides over-reacted; there's very little football tradition in gloomington.
We'll see if Wilson turns the ship, we'll have to wait and see how long he stays...
That's immaterial in my eyes. It's 7-8am in the morning and a head coach is taking the time out of his day to come on your radio program. If you want to poke jabs at IU, do it in a different context within the conversation.