IU football coach radio interview didnt go so well

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I understand what you're saying but it would have been a great time for Coach Wilson to show some class and explain that he's there to change all of that. If was Jack wrong insulting IU (nothing he said was false) then Coach lowered himself to Jack's level talking about the past and beating up on Illinois. A coach with his success and experience should be able to handle media...very disappointing for IU fans-BUT WHO CARES, we've got the SYCAMORES to be proud of...let's talk ISU football. Who's got an update on day one of 2-a-days!
He discussed that very point the previous time he was on their show.

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That's immaterial in my eyes. It's 7-8am in the morning and a head coach is taking the time out of his day to come on your radio program. If you want to poke jabs at IU, do it in a different context within the conversation.
not only is it early but it's a busy time of day for that guy. Coaches do alot from 6-8 o'clock every morning. I am not a guy to defend IU as everyone knows, but this made me irrate and i hope IU just punks Illinois in a nasty fashion.
This is ridiculous. Are you these clowns on the air serious? They try and act all pretentious and slam the guy after he's off the phone. Seriously, that's a joke... any reputable coach should NEVER go on air with them again.
That's immaterial in my eyes. It's 7-8am in the morning and a head coach is taking the time out of his day to come on your radio program. If you want to poke jabs at IU, do it in a different context within the conversation.

I'll listen to it again; (think I did 3-4 times before posting...)

I'm still not hearing the 'insults,' or the 'disrepect'...

Wilson didn't have to do the interview, he chose to.

At the end of the day, we're ALL wasting time yakking about gloomington football...
I side with the coach. And I think as far as his players and potential recruits go, he just scored a major victory sticking up for his team and program.

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I'm not a fan of Wilson...

I went to IU, but don't hold that against me...I'm easily converted to ISU. I know a kid that is a friend of my son...they played together in high school last year. Indiana offered him a scholarship to play and he accepted...now this was with the past coach who was fired in December 2010. He actually accepted the offer in March 2010.

So, Coach Wilson moves over from Oklahoma to Indiana...and obviously all the kids that were recruited were nervous with the move. He contacted them all and assured them that they had a scholarship and not to worry...that he would be in contact with them later to build on the transition.

Well, 2 weeks to the day before signing on February 2nd 2011. This young man was contacted...in person by Coach Wilson...along with the young man's father and high school Head Coach...they were told by Coach Wilson that they young man's future at Indiana was in jeopardy and he probably would not be offered a scholarship next year...but would honor his scholarship for 2011-2012.

What program would do that to a kid...especially two weeks before he was supposed to sign. I mean the kid committed nearly a year in advance to them...

I also know for a fact that he did this to several other kids that went to high school in Indiana...under the same circumstances...it was total BS!

Now, granted...I am not a big fan of the media either...in fact, I blame them for many of the issues that we have in this country/world today...but, sometimes things happen for a reason...that's my point.

Fortunately, this young man by the thanks of his father was able obtain another scholarship from Northern Iowa...I felt really sorry for this young man and the impact that this had on him...I mean come on he is still a kid.

I am not a fan of Coach Wilson at all...and hope that IU looses every game...in fact, I thought Coach Lynch was really starting to turn things around at IU...which leaves me open for speculation.

Nonetheless...better said...I'm not a fan of WILSON...
Any PR is good PR.

In the context of this discussion I get what you mean, but I respectfully have to say that I get tired of that particular cliche. Ask the old Roselyn Bakery or some doofus like Anthony Weiner if any PR is good PR. There is some attention that's just not worth getting.
Are you kidding me? I’ll preface my comments first by saying I’m NOT a big fan of Jack; we don’t know how long Coach was on hold and he could have been having a bad day…but for Coach Wilson to have an attitude like that on a national radio station was (I thought) ridiculous. That IU program needs some positive PR and he came across sounding like the almighty Robert Montgomery Knight…maybe he’s trying to create a knew toughness…he said he didn't appreciate guys talking about the past and then turned around and talked about the past...#smh

I totally agree with you on this. IU Coach was in the wrong. Finally, a media member not going to their knees and kissing the feet of a College Coach. Good for Jack and Zack.

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I thought Wilson was a little out of line getting that angry. Maybe he was having a bad day. Stick up for your team sure (I respect that), but you don't have to get THAT defensive. The joking really wasn't that bad. At the same time, I thought it was BS on the part of the Zack and Jack, or whatever they go by, to hang up on him and then bad mouth him for several minutes. If Trudeau wants to go on and on about the Illini he needs to move back to Illinois.
I thought Wilson was a little out of line getting that angry. Maybe he was having a bad day. Stick up for your team sure (I respect that), but you don't have to get THAT defensive. The joking really wasn't that bad. At the same time, I thought it was BS on the part of the Zack and Jack, or whatever they go by, to hang up on him and then bad mouth him for several minutes. If Trudeau wants to go on and on about the Illini he needs to move back to Illinois.
No only did they do that, but they filmed a video after that, too. IMO, they were looking to drum up some buzz about their shit sandwich of a show and caught Wilson on the perfect day for it.
I totally agree with you on this. IU Coach was in the wrong. Finally, a media member not going to their knees and kissing the feet of a College Coach. Good for Jack and Zack.
They invite coaches on to talk about their programs. The crux of their show is going to be shining a positive light -- it isn't Jerry Springer, err, Jim Rome.
If you listened to JMV, he said it perfectly. He said that even though IU fans will hate Z&J, they did IU football a favor because they helped build a persona for the program. Wilson now comes off as the guy that won't roll over and has some street cred. That is basically what I said earlier.

For those saying Wilson was in the wrong, all I think the coach was trying to say, "we're not going to be your punching bag." If he is trying to change the culture with the team, not letting a couple of talking heads punk his team out is not a bad strategy. Go back and read some of your OWN opinions and statements when media folks were talking bad about the Sycamores during our rough times.
If you listened to JMV, he said it perfectly. He said that even though IU fans will hate Z&J, they did IU football a favor because they helped build a persona for the program. Wilson now comes off as the guy that won't roll over and has some street cred. That is basically what I said earlier.

For those saying Wilson was in the wrong, all I think the coach was trying to say, "we're not going to be your punching bag." If he is trying to change the culture with the team, not letting a couple of talking heads punk his team out is not a bad strategy. Go back and read some of your OWN opinions and statements when media folks were talking bad about the Sycamores during our rough times.


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Jason, I agree with everything you said. Trent has done the same for ISU and I think teams will start to look at us differently after we put together some winning seasons. The same will happen with IU and coach Wilson. He is the right guy for IU, like Trent was the right guy for ISU.
Jack and zakk(I am convinced this guy is one of the chipmunks, maybe alvin) really turned themselves into the heel by acting like they are doing him. A favor by coming on. It is their show that they get paid for, he gets basically nothing out of it but a little publicity but I think the message was sent loud and clear thatthey are changing. I
Anybody remember in the last couple of years....

when Trent stood up for his players when he got reports that members of the faculty and staff were making derogatory comments during classes, putting pplayers on the spot and ridiculing them?

He didnt like it and he made his opinion known. That's what Coach Wilson at IU is doing.

As Howard Beale said in the movie "Network" -- "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore."

Or as Arthea sang it -- just looking for some R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Well played Coach Wilson and Coach Miles.
when Trent stood up for his players when he got reports that members of the faculty and staff were making derogatory comments during classes, putting pplayers on the spot and ridiculing them?

He didnt like it and he made his opinion known. That's what Coach Wilson at IU is doing.

As Howard Beale said in the movie "Network" -- "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore."

Or as Arthea sang it -- just looking for some R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Well played Coach Wilson and Coach Miles.

I'm still missing it...

Can someone please point out the 'disrespect' that the radio guys "threw" at iu or Wilson.

What I heard was trudeau state a fact; that when he was at illini, he didn't have to hear the iu fight song b/c they beat iu (soundly).

There is very little gloomington football tradition.

the radio guys spent too much time flogging the issue after wilson went off air... but they're media, what do you expect (especially in this era...)
