Seen any good movies lately?

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Jason Svoboda

The Bird Level
I love going to the theather but hate paying for it -- and I get really pissed when I shell out $40 only to see a flop like I did when I took the boys to see Monsters vs Aliens: 3D. So has anyone seen any good movies at the theater lately?

I'm wanting to go see The Hangover because I like comedy movies and especially crude comedy which I hear the show has a ton of. Besides that one, anything else out there that is a must see? Also heard Star Trek is good but I've never watched the previous movies or TV show so I'd imagine I'd be lost in the story?

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just go see the hangover man. lost of dick and fart jokes, and a famous nipple

I agree that everyone must go see the Hangover. It is the best movie of the summer and for those of you who like movies like Wedding Crashers, it's right up your alley.
I haven't seen Hangover, but I can tell you about my experience seeing Star Trek. Like you, I've never watched any of the shows or other movies, but they aren't really necessary in my opinion. Apparently this movie takes place in an alternate timeline anyway, so the stories of the other movies don't apply and vice versa. There are inside jokes that you and I wouldn't get, but they aren't pervasive enough to make the movie unwatchable. The visuals are fantastic, the story is interesting, and the sound effects are great. It's a good sci-fi action movie for those of us who aren't Trekkies.

I took my nieces to see 'Up' they're idea not mine but it was enjoyable
(not much else to take twin 8 YOs to see!)

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I think the last movie we saw was Titanic. Have there been good ones since then? We generally feel we have better things to do with both $ and time.
I saw "Taken" and "Eagle Eye" recently. Both very good, intense dramas. I highly recommend both!!!
Speaking of "Hangovers"...

The attorney for the City of Jeffersonville & Greater Clark School Corporation resigned today after "sleeping" (local newspaper description) in his neighbors' trash can this past weekend...great PIC circulating in the national media over this that'll likely resurrect memories of the good ol' dayz of your alma mater! :bigsmile:

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Just got back from taking the Grandkids to see Land Of The Lost not the best work I have seen him do but it kept the kids entertained
lol watching Hang over right now... My roomate got it off some web site (quality is decent, but not great). Funny so far... lol

"I didn't know they gave out rings at the Holacaust" lol can you say that?
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On TV last week...set in the LA bayou, a reptilian "thriller" (if you can ever envision a FROG being a killer)!:krazy:

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Saw Transformers 2 over the weekend. Overall, I was disappointed with it when you compare it with the first one. Never got time to learn new transformers' names or anything,just tossed you right in. It felt like a really long, live action, transformers episode on tv. The camera was so close I couldn't tell who was fighting who (recurring from the first one). I was happy about Soundwave finally getting into the movie, and Michael Bay gave him the crappiest part ever. It also had what might be considered the two most racist stereotype characters I have ever seen. Bay continues to ignore fans so he can blow more sh*t up.

Gene Shalit on this morning's Today Show was salivating over some Megan Fox chic in that movie...:D
Currently watching The Wizard of Oz with my 5 year old granddaughter . She cant figure out what is wrong with the TV Bacause the color is messed up as she put it .