Vigo Pool Plan - $18m + ISU Swimming "Reinstatement"

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Exactly, Dave...we DROPPED nationally-acclaimed GYMNASTICS & WRESTLING programs during the mid-80's in an attempt to "balance out," now pie in the sky-ers are dropping this idea of ISU Swimming, an idea which has yet to be seriously discussed by ISU athletic leaders, as an integral source of "filling" for the PIE. You'd think that if ISU was adding a sport (men & women), they'd 1st consider adding one which already had a TRADITION of EXCELLENCE and strong alumni support base. ISU Swimming, historically speaking, NEVER came close to this level.

IU/Doc Counsilman formerly had the top collegiate swimming program in America during the 60's & 70's. Mark Spitz & Gary Hall were two (2) of Counsilman's more distinguished products, both gathering multiple Olympic Gold. Whatever happened to this program, which was once on top of Mt. Olympus?

Bottom line, is that SWIMMING PROGRAMS are expensive and gather little revenue, which is WHY ISU hasn't had one for 30+ yrs.
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Is the pool in the arena still usable? Was it taken out with the renovation years ago? Sorry if I am out of touch on this.

I'm trying to figure out how THIS pool is still operating, yet is a DECADE older than the THN & THS pools? Do ya think comparative MAINTENANCE might be an issue - ISU v. Vigo County Schools?

From what I read, part of the issue with the pools at North and South is that they cannot even access most of the pool structure or plumbing. Yes, it was poorly designed and built. Part of that blame rests on those who led the remonstrance process against building those schools. The pool area is one where corners were cut to save money. 40+ years later, that might not have been such a good idea...
No doubt a factor, but the outcry AGAINST the N & S HS construction was fractional compared to the early 60's opposition to consolidation of the township schools. My father was on the "Advisory Board" that built BOTH Otter Creek Elem (opened in '57) and OC JHS (opened in '62). The schools were ultimately merged into OC Middle School over the years. Here's a good article describing this incident:

***BTW, Former Vigo Supt., CHARLES CLARK, is a cousin of mine!

Had Otter Creek HS continued to operate as an institution, I seriously doubt that you'd seen the gradual deterioration of North Terre Haute in general. There was significant community pride CENTERED around the HS, and you wouldn't believe the optimism held by NTH residents looking forward to moving into a NEW HS during the early 60's. This was all punctured by the consolidation of OC w/ Garfield. Most people don't realize that the new OC HS gymnasium was modeled AFTER the ISU Arena (w/o the concrete). They even purchased the Medart movable Basketball goals (4) that were IDENTICAL to ISU's. I personally witnessed various HS teams book PRACTICES @ OC JHS '62-64 in an effort to "condition" to the ISU Arena-based Sectional Tournament.

If anyone wishes to corroborate these thoughts, talk to IN State Senator TIM SKINNER, who was the FIRST to play in that NEW gymnasium!
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Maybe our tax dollars can go to defend a certain superintants nephew and former boxing champs son on sex related charges think of their history and I would say the apple doesnt fall far from the tree . I know many will say what this has to do with this issue but I will answer that VCSC has paid for DT representation before and its more of the good ole boy network in Vigo County which will get this unneeded tax passed

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Doesn't the "Y" in Fairbanks Park (unisex) have a pool?

Terre Haute is NOT Carmel or Newburgh. If you haven't noticed this, take a jaunt thru NTH or WTH and examine some of the pockets of residency. If you're still not convinced, check the tax base of residents, which is where the $$$ will originate to pay for the proposed $18m pool.

Umm...yes, you are correct. Terre Haute is not Carmel. Wasn't comparing them. I lived in Terre Haute for over 12 years of my life, lived in Carmel area (Westfield) for the past 6, I am painfully aware of the differences between the two. Wasn't suggesting that they were anything close to similar in terms of income, tax base, etc. Was pointing out that Carmel, Plainfield and other have made it work and Terre Haute could also. The costs associated with a structure like this are doable, and can be extremely beneficial to the community.
i for one think that this is exciting news and is a step in the right direction for the community. whats wrong with a beautiful aquatics center? going all out on a project like this is the only way to make it work. if you half-ass it, what outside money is gonna come to terre haute to use it??? it's great for the high schools for their swim programs. Has anyone seen the high school pools lately? i would love to see how much the school system spends on maintenance for those pools. and it's a great resource for ALL toddlers to learn how to swim in terre haute. at the end of the day, this is an outstanding resource for the community and something people can be proud (something terre haute needs more of). and for those of you think that ISU would reinstate swimming because of this facility can probably settle down. yes, maybe a swim "club" might surface in the future but what are the chances that ISU uses this facility for anything more than a facility for athletes in rehab, CPR class, lifeguarding certifications, etc. i would think/hope either wrestling, mens and womens tennis, or mens soccer would be reinstated wwwwaaayyy before swimming.
I just received an E-mail from RP re: the prospect of ISU adding intercollegiate swimming.

"At this point there are no plans to expand our sport offerings to include an intercollegiate swimming program."

Perhaps the pro-pool proponets should now revise their $18m prospectus revenue projections, thus adding greater legitimacy to their efforts?
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I dont hear of many swimming facilities that end up being financially sound, even for government standards.

when i first saw this thread, i disregarded the date on all of it. I felt like they already had something like that.

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The city has closed the Deming Park pool citing losses.

Will any of them circle back to this?

Will probably fill the pool in and create a "Bird" bath to appease the Audubon Society...
Bottom line - it wasn't being used, given the shift to "techno couch potato-ism" by today's children. So much more convenient for parents, but costly...a couple bags of Ruffles, 3 power drinks and an RX for sleeping.
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The city has closed the Deming Park pool citing losses.

Will any of them circle back to this?

'Them' being??

Vigo County financed/constructed the Aquatic Center that ISU will use for home meets, training, etc

How much the City of Terre Haute is contributing to the Vigo County Aquatic Ctr?