Vigo Schools Tax Referendum

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Not trying to poo poo $300 but that's like a few less coffee's at Starbucks or a couple less cases of Busch Light a month. I hope more people know about, and take the time to use, the tax calculator.
$300 on top of an estimated $5200.


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I really can't stand the guilt trip people try to put on those who think government should be more responsible. They have never given a sound reason why the money is needed. I guess we are to trust them. The ones who many on this board have said let the maintenance of the schools take a back seat.
I really can't stand the guilt trip people try to put on those who think government should be more responsible. They have never given a sound reason why the money is needed. I guess we are to trust them. The ones who many on this board have said let the maintenance of the schools take a back seat.
Come on, now, Ev. All you have to do is walk into those buildings, look around and you can see what crap holes they are. They were built cheaply in the 70's (again, due to complaints about cost) and the cheap construction has proven that you get what you pay for. If you can't see the need to take care of this once and for all, you're being purposely obtuse. And it'll cost you money in the long run. Pay now, or pay later. Either way, you're gonna pay.
If I knew this before yesterday I’d have already said it… But to further obliterate the argument of “poor timing” based on inflation yadda yadda.

You should know that you’re voting for a tax that will not actually take into effect until 2024 tax year… Soooo yeah the high gas price argument is now completely dead if it wasn’t before.

Again! Unless you are a farmer you have no beef (pun intended) here.
It's kind of like hulman center. Give us the money and we'll figure out how to spend it. BTW, I did the calculations on the tax increase. Mine will go up $298.00/year. Very little of the increase was on the farmland. SSOM stated that the farmers will get hit the hardest. Probably not. Their acreage is mostly unimproved land which is taxed very low. Their taxes are also deductable business expenses.

Most farmers have multiple buildings on each property. They get an additional $3 I believe added on per building. I guess you should go talk to the farmers I have talked to who have worked with the corporation and tax consultant to understand the actual impact. I’m not just on here making this shit up for fun.

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I don't think you're making things up. I just think you are wrong as to who this will affect the most. I have three barns on my property. However, most farmers don't have buildings on most of their properties. They keep most of their properties unimproved as is one of mine. The increased tax on them will be small compared to the properties with improvements.
I really cant stand the " it was good enough for me 30 years ago when i went there, its good enough for those kids now" attitude a lot of people have now a days.
I went to one of those schools 9 years ago and it was fine. A lot of my friends went to those schools as recent as 6 years ago (I left after my FR year) and they all think that the school is fine. So unless they just haven't taken care of the places at all the past 5 years I don't know what the big issue is. I suspect that the real issue is that certain people want shiny new schools because someone else in the state is getting them.

I suppose if they don't get the money they're just going to shut down the schools right? Or are they going to do the mandatory maintenance that needs done (cut all the wish list items)?
I don't think you're making things up. I just think you are wrong as to who this will affect the most. I have three barns on my property. However, most farmers don't have buildings on most of their properties. They keep most of their properties unimproved as is one of mine. The increased tax on them will be small compared to the properties with improvements.

we will just agree to disagree then… you are correct I misspoke in saying multiple building per property. But it’s not uncommon for them to have multiple buildings on a couple of different parcels - spread them out over the number of parcels they own (not acres) and you could very easily arrive at the same scenario as the one I described. That is the point I am trying to make. I am also going to be looking at around $250+ so I’m in a similar predicament.
It's kind of like hulman center. Give us the money and we'll figure out how to spend it. BTW, I did the calculations on the tax increase. Mine will go up $298.00/year. Very little of the increase was on the farmland. SSOM stated that the farmers will get hit the hardest. Probably not. Their acreage is mostly unimproved land which is taxed very low. Their taxes are also deductable business expenses.

are you looking at the tax rate or the assessed value? wabash river bottom farmground (i.e. flood plain) will have a lower tax bill than say... open farm land that abuts key exits on I-70... MUCH different tax bill.... is it current farm ground that is surrounded by current development? MUCH different tax bill
We need fire departments, schools, sheriff's, etc. I get all that. Taxes are a necessary part of society. Unfortunately the tax collector's have gotten pretty greedy over the years. The question for me is, how much am I willing to go along with the locals shaking me down in order to keep the properties I have worked for and paid for. If we don't pay it they ultimately will take your property away. Without more information I am not willing to help them take my money away.

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We need fire departments, schools, sheriff's, etc. I get all that. Taxes are a necessary part of society. Unfortunately the tax collector's have gotten pretty greedy over the years. The question for me is, how much am I willing to go along with the locals shaking me down in order to keep the properties I have worked for and paid for. If we don't pay it they ultimately will take your property away. Without more information I am not willing to help them take my money away.

There are plenty of former CSA States (deep south, gulf coast) that have tremendously LOW property taxes...

they are also some of the worst states in which to live...

great thing about America - in general, one gets to decide where to live
Why are you talking about it?

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