Fudōtokuna: $chertz to $LU

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Ultimately, I believe he signed the MOU which boxed him in, but he’ll never admit to it.

This school and community did everything it could. No one’s to blame.

Thanks Coach Schertz for everything. If this community sustains its financial support for the program, we’ll be fine. This will be a very attractive job - and it’s been a long time since a neutral observer could objectively say that.

First statement: Agreed but was obvious based on Louisville opening.

Second statement: Absolutely.

Third statement: Once he robs the program blind on the way out, it will be an uphill climb for the next coach. The only hope we've got is that all of the donors that raised all of that money for him decide to pay it forward to the next coach. Make no mistake though, this is a fucking crushing blow because of how long we played. Many of the quality candidates are off the board and whomever is eventually hired is behind the 8-ball for next season.

We could already be looking to the 2025-2026 season if multiple pieces do not stay.

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An MoU is not a contract just an agreement of principle. Standard practice when discussing a possible contract. The MoU only binds him to SLU but doesn’t prohibit him from staying at ISU
First statement: Agreed but was obvious based on Louisville opening.

Second statement: Absolutely.

Third statement: Once he robs the program blind on the way out, it will be an uphill climb for the next coach. The only hope we've got is that all of the donors that raised all of that money for him decide to pay it forward to the next coach. Make no mistake though, this is a fucking crushing blow because of how long we played. Many of the quality candidates are off the board and whomever is eventually hired is behind the 8-ball for next season.

We could already be looking to the 2025-2026 season if multiple pieces do not stay.
I may be wrong but I feel Graves is are best bet right now to salvage anything.
Lot of turnover with coaches in MVC, Drake, SIU, Flames, Missouri St. and ISU, Either way, it will be tough to replicate 2023-24. I guess, we should have lost the first game of NIT, against SMU
I think we are in an NCAA dead period until Sunday and followed by another starting mid-next week. I assume (I hope) this decision was already know by admin and the replacement negotiations are already underway. If we're fast on the replacement, we have shielding for the next week. Just hoping for the best at this point.

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Nothing was known by anyone other than JS and quite frankly until he says it himself nothing is still known…

This man has been talking to donors / “friends” / alumni / fans in our community daily during this entire run. Some of them very astute business people and they’ve maintained throughout this whole thing that he’s staying. My point is this - when this does come out from him going to be a lot of really upset and hurt people locally - not because he’s leaving but because they’ve been mislead by JS. And you say - well it was in the news everyone knew it was coming. Okay! Well everyone doesn’t live in that space where they believe in speculation and things they hear. JS has maintained up until this very moment he’s still deciding.

I will wait until he announces for himself and then I will go to war on him.
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I think everyone can finally accept the fact that JS is going to stl
6 years 12 mil
What concerns me more is what players are going with him
Nothing was known by anyone other than JS and quite frankly until he says it himself nothing is still known…

This man has been talking to donors / “friends” / alumni / fans in our community daily during this entire run. Some of them very astute business people and they’ve maintained throughout this whole thing that he’s staying. My point is this - when this does come out from him going to be a lot of really upset and hurt people locally - not because he’s leaving but because they’ve been mislead by JS. And you say - well it was in the news everyone knew it was coming. Okay! Well everyone doesn’t live in that space where they believe in speculation and things they hear. JS has maintained up until this very moment he’s still deciding.

I will wait until he announces for himself and then I will go to war on him.
Spot on!! Couldn’t have said it better….
I think everyone can finally accept the fact that JS is going to stl
6 years 12 mil
What concerns me more is what players are going with him

Is this just a statement that you decided to make or is this a thread? This isn’t Twitter… The post literally has no punctuation - what am I supposed to do with this?

You’re concerned what players would be going with him?! This is a new concern because you state it as if this is just now a concern.

If he leaves he’s blowing the entire program up - I would expect every starter to hit the portal. So your concern is valid. He built the program up and he tore it down. Larry, Swope, Conwell, Kent and Avila all gone. Blame JS and the NCAA. I wouldn’t expect them all to go with him either. Conwell ain’t going to SLU - sorry he’s not. Larry probably not either. All will hit the portal - Now that we cleared that up!
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The thing that makes me the maddest is ISU will follow their same way of doing shit. I will predict it now they will wait several weeks after Schertz blows town with everything and everyone but the ball rack, then announce Graves as the INTERIM head coach for next year, not creating any stability for recruits, current players. or portal players to want to come here. It's going to come out as SSOM has stated Schertz is going to gut this program with purpose.

Jason has said it before, anyone who leaves ISU is dead to him. I am going to adopt this approach if Schertz leaves and what players go with him and encourage everyone else to do the same.
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Boys, whatever happens, we are in this together. This is OUR program. We were here for the down years and we were here for the memorable years. We are the only constant with this program. Terre Haute and the surrounding communities will be here tomorrow and the day after, that won't change. The players & coaches provided the spark but the Indiana State community was the fuel that kept the train going. This was a great season because of what happened on the court but it was a special season because what was going on with the community. The infrastructure is there, it was built decades ago, and it isn't going away. Go Sycamores!
The thing that makes me the maddest is ISU will follow their same way of doing shit. I will predict it now they will wait several weeks after Schertz blows town with everything and everyone but the ball rack, then announce Graves as the INTERIM head coach for next year, not creating any stability for recruits, current players. or portal players to want to come here. It's going to come out as SSOM has stated Schertz is going to gut this program with purpose.

Jason has said it before, anyone who leaves ISU is dead to him. I am going to adopt this approach if Schertz leaves and what players go with him and encourage everyone else to do the same.
I'll be surprised if many of these guys go with him to SLU. He won't single-handedly gut the program. We can give credit to the NIL and transfer portal for some of that too.

The school needs to be prepared to name Graves as HC, pay the man, and let him start building up the program now.
The thing that makes me the maddest is ISU will follow their same way of doing shit. I will predict it now they will wait several weeks after Schertz blows town with everything and everyone but the ball rack, then announce Graves as the INTERIM head coach for next year, not creating any stability for recruits, current players. or portal players to want to come here. It's going to come out as SSOM has stated Schertz is going to gut this program with purpose.

Jason has said it before, anyone who leaves ISU is dead to him. I am going to adopt this approach if Schertz leaves and what players go with him and encourage everyone else to do the same.

I stand steadfast in this. I am not a Wake Forest fan or supporter. I am not a Tennessee fan or supporter. I am not a Saint Louis fan or supporter. I am an Indiana State alum, fan and supporter. If you turn your back on me, I turn my back on you. You know the drill.

We all were here before you.

We'll be here long after you're gone.
Boys, whatever happens, we are in this together. This is OUR program. We were here for the down years and we were here for the memorable years. We are the only constant with this program. Terre Haute and the surrounding communities will be here tomorrow and the day after, that won't change. The players & coaches provided the spark but the Indiana State community was the fuel that kept the train going. This was a great season because of what happened on the court but it was a special season because what was going on with the community. The infrastructure is there, it was built decades ago, and it isn't going away. Go Sycamores!
Actually you’re wrong on that! They only showed up when we are winning and that’s it! During Odums years they showed up only when winning and then stopped until last year and still never showed up! And this year only when we played big games or started winning aka fair weather fans it happens all the time! We will be back to less then lower bowl fans so Terre hate only shows up when they have money or when they feel like it not real fans! Facts are facts prove me wrong!

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I'll be surprised if many of these guys go with him to SLU. He won't single-handedly gut the program. We can give credit to the NIL and transfer portal for some of that too.

The school needs to be prepared to name Graves as HC, pay the man, and let him start building up the program now.
Wake up! this isn't something that started this week. He had conversations with SLU and god knows who else while we were still in the MVC season. Had it set prior to and met with Daddy war bucks Chaifetz DURING the MVC tournament. He has planned this probably before Debbie messed with Clink and that was the icing on the cake.

I am sorry I have held this in till today, but this Golly Gee thank you coach for this year needs to stop with the SLU press conference. He did nothing more than his job which was to win basketball games. IF he wants to treat ISU as a stepping stone then we need to do the same. We need to use him as a stepping stone to a better coach and not settle for just doing the easiest path of least resistance which is go the Interim with Graves. Schertz played boosters, doners and fans at ISU to the end leading people on and on with fake hope till last night.
Actually you’re wrong on that! They only showed up when we are winning and that’s it! During Odums years they showed up only when winning and then stopped until last year and still never showed up! And this year only when we played big games or started winning aka fair weather fans it happens all the time! We will be back to less then lower bowl fans so Terre hate only shows up when they have money or when they feel like it not real fans! Facts are facts prove me wrong!
I'm referring to the die-hards. The life-bloods of the university, the people that bleed blue. The ones that will go to bat for Indiana State for Terre Haute for everything the program/school stands for regardless of circumstance. The fans that are showing up and cheering just as hard for a 1-33 season as a 33-1 season. Trust me, we are out there. I'm guessing by your replies on ole' sycamorepride you aren't one of those. I stand with the @SycamoreStateofMind and @Jason Svoboda of the world. Regardless of what happens we are Sycamores. I don't give 2 shits about any other program in this country
Wake up! this isn't something that started this week. He had conversations with SLU and god knows who else while we were still in the MVC season. Had it set prior to and met with Daddy war bucks Chaifetz DURING the MVC tournament. He has planned this probably before Debbie messed with Clink and that was the icing on the cake.

I am sorry I have held this in till today, but this Golly Gee thank you coach for this year needs to stop with the SLU press conference. He did nothing more than his job which was to win basketball games. IF he wants to treat ISU as a stepping stone then we need to do the same. We need to use him as a stepping stone to a better coach and not settle for just doing the easiest path of least resistance which is go the Interim with Graves. Schertz played boosters, doners and fans at ISU to the end leading people on and on with fake hope till last night.
Chill bro. I'm not arguing that this hasn't been in the works or a done deal for a month. That's pretty obvious and has been this whole time. I'm not saying "Golly Gee thank you coach". If he's leaving I hope the door doesn't hit him on the way out. Mid-major schools are stepping stones for coaches and players, and the NIL and transfer portal contribute to that even more now.

The only thing in your response that has anything to do with what I said is this below, and I respectfully disagree. At this stage, considering the school likely hasn't begun to pursue any HC replacements, Graves is the obvious choice. He knows the program already and won't be completely starting from ground zero like a newcomer would be. Maybe the first floor, but not ground level.
We need to use him as a stepping stone to a better coach and not settle for just doing the easiest path of least resistance which is go the Interim with Graves.