Do me a quick favor. Draw out some simple math for me and post it. I want to see how Terre Haute gets any ROI within 50 years once you add in the bonds and interest payments.
I'm not sure any of us know exactly what the final funding mechanism may look like with all the parties involved... TH, Vigo, CVB, and now private partners... along with new taxes... but the mechanism looks pretty close to another that was for 130 million and is scheduled for pay off in 2038. We are talking about a small fraction of that project cost.
Now, you guys bring up the casino/gaming option which is seeking approval... well, well, well... the perfect storm is brewing, eh? Casino, Convention, and football in downtown riverfront area.. That's a good plan... 5000-12000 people 7 times a year near the casino... the ROI is obviously waiting to happen. Heck, put ice hockey in the facility next to a casino and you have something that will fly... I tell you college students would love ice hockey! You know football would book about 10% of the Saturdays for a year - hard to say No to that if you have a facility.
Looks like the facility is going up... the large floor space is a requirement so just modify it to add telescoping chair back seating and have ISU provide the turf.
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