The Decline of Terre Haute High School Athletics

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I’ll throw this out there as an unpopular take. Going to one high school in Terre Haute is the wrong approach. Having four smaller high schools would improve student outcomes and provide a more personalized education experience for students.

Wouldn’t do much for athletics, but “mega” schools are ONLY about athletics.

Of course, I don’t have to pay for any of this, so I can just throw stuff out there.

I honestly stopped reading once I saw 96 liked your post. You guys have been in on this forever. I can’t take it.
I understand not wanting your taxes to go up, but the high schools are falling apart. Multiple times, and I went there within the last 5 years, we would be sitting in class and a ceiling tile would collapse and water would flood the room. I loved South but it’s so old and outdated and simply patched together. I find it selfish to not want to better the community and the student experience just because you have to pay more in taxes. Do they need to literally collapse before anything happens? Don’t you want the community to improve and actually grow? It has nothing to do with athletics, it has everything to do with kids being in a good learning environment without cockroaches crawling around and the ceiling collapsing. Just selfish I think.
The two they are going to bring in are to the east of Evansville a little over an Hour. Floyd Central and Jeffersonville to be exact.

It's funny that you think 2 hours is "a little over an hour..."

it's a solid two hour drive from E'vill to Jeffersonville

you think EVCS schools are going to FLY to FC and Jeff? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

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I understand not wanting your taxes to go up, but the high schools are falling apart. Multiple times, and I went there within the last 5 years, we would be sitting in class and a ceiling tile would collapse and water would flood the room. I loved South but it’s so old and outdated and simply patched together. I find it selfish to not want to better the community and the student experience just because you have to pay more in taxes. Do they need to literally collapse before anything happens? Don’t you want the community to improve and actually grow? It has nothing to do with athletics, it has everything to do with kids being in a good learning environment without cockroaches crawling around and the ceiling collapsing. Just selfish I think.

Does VCSC not have a budget for maintenance issues? I understand every school is going to need some improvements here and there, but unless the school system has been completely irresponsible they should not be about to collapse. The schools are only a little over 50 years old, so not exactly prehistoric. There are many schools across the state that are much older. I think every large school is going to have roaches, since sadly in many cases some of the kids are likely bringing them to school with them. There are companies out there that can help control roach populations, and I'm sure VCSC has that contracted out already.

Personally I find it selfish to insist on property owners to pick up the slack for an incompetent school system that was so corrupt that the even "the Stasi" (FBI) had to step in and do a raid. Even after that the school board still wanted to give Crooked Danny an extension to 2020 that he turned down. I worked hard to pay for my place, and in order to keep it I have to pay confiscatory property taxes that aren't even based on my income or actual ability to pay them. If anything we should be trying to find ways to lower property taxes, not raise them.

Going back to the irresponsible part and the fact that the VCSC has a questionable past at best, why should I be willing to trust them now with even more of my hard earned money? How do I know that they won't abuse it again like they have in the past?
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Propose a solution instead??
I don't care if the terre haute schools win or not. I'm not originally from here. I do however pay a ton in property taxes and I really don't need to help pay for a new school just because they can't win enough games to satisfy the locals. Just a guess but the water leak that destroyed a few ceiling tiles does not warrant a new school. It probably needed new o-rings in the victaulic piping used for fire suppression.
I don't care if the terre haute schools win or not. I'm not originally from here. I do however pay a ton in property taxes and I really don't need to help pay for a new school just because they can't win enough games to satisfy the locals. Just a guess but the water leak that destroyed a few ceiling tiles does not warrant a new school. It probably needed new o-rings in the victaulic piping used for fire suppression.
I graduated from North in 2002, it was starting to have issues then, there hasn't been any significant changes since. In typical Terre Haute fashion, they built the two schools as cheaply as possible and they are now paying the price for that. Plumbing/sewer line issues occur frequently because of cheaper installation design and it's all incased in concrete making it a massive order to expose. They have lots of leaks which has led to mold outbreaks in the past. This is absolutely not about athletics. We need to consolidate schools to reduce maintenance costs, slightly increase taxes, build new schools and get this school corporation back to one we can all be proud of and one that works well for our students.
I don't care if the terre haute schools win or not. I'm not originally from here. I do however pay a ton in property taxes and I really don't need to help pay for a new school just because they can't win enough games to satisfy the locals. Just a guess but the water leak that destroyed a few ceiling tiles does not warrant a new school. It probably needed new o-rings in the victaulic piping used for fire suppression.

One of the all time worst takes in forum history… I don’t know how you do it but you should be applauded for having incredibly bad takes on every subject. The consistency is something to behold.
I’ll throw this out there as an unpopular take. Going to one high school in Terre Haute is the wrong approach. Having four smaller high schools would improve student outcomes and provide a more personalized education experience for students.
Don't really have a dog in this fight so not really going to expand to much past this. But look at South Bend publics. They went to 4 personalized academies about 10 years ago. In that time Clay became the laughing stock of the IHSAA and now no longer exists. And the other 3 haven't done ANYTHING academically or athletically (Washington does have a ridiculous girls basketball program fueled by the coach having 7 kids going through it). South Bend has turned into a poster child of what not to do. So id be real cautious going to this model

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Don't really have a dog in this fight so not really going to expand to much past this. But look at South Bend publics. They went to 4 personalized academies about 10 years ago. In that time Clay became the laughing stock of the IHSAA and now no longer exists. And the other 3 haven't done ANYTHING academically or athletically (Washington does have a ridiculous girls basketball program fueled by the coach having 7 kids going through it). South Bend has turned into a poster child of what not to do. So id be real cautious going to this model
There are probably a thousand things that South Bend schools do that no one should emulate. Knowing one of the school board members as I do, I’m not at all surprised that they screwed it up!

However, it doesn’t change my mind that mega schools are not good for the majority of students who will get “lost in the shuffle” while athletics will shine. Although, with the propensity of talent to leave Terre Haute for greener pastures in the suburbs or in Indy, I don’t think this will be with the boon many think.

I just find it funny that smaller student/teacher ratios is somehow important in college, but we’ve seemingly left that behind for K-12. And regardless of who says what, that is generally in search of better athletics.

Smaller schools, which are dedicated to teaching like they did 50-60 years ago, with smaller student populations, are better for learning. I’d rather my child leave school with a handle on critical thinking, basic math and algebra, real history, and the classics, than for them to have a shiny TV studio.

Your point is well taken, if you were ever to go this route, look to failed systems like South Bend and see what NOT to do.

But as I’m not a Vigo County resident, this is all philosophical for me.
It's funny that you think 2 hours is "a little over an hour..."

it's a solid two hour drive from E'vill to Jeffersonville

you think EVCS schools are going to FLY to FC and Jeff? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I drive 4 times a week from Newburgh to Downtown Lyn Family Stadium/ Butchertown for my daughter to train with Racing Louisville Soccer and make it in an hour and 50 minutes during rush hour both are about 25 min closer so it’s splitting hairs I give you an hour and a half ish but it is closer than Terre Haute. My point the conf focus it there and going that direction not north. They were not really wanting Vincennes 5 or 6 years ago when the brought them in as their conf folded. We good bro!
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I think it’s a bit of an assumption that kids get left behind in “mega” schools.

I live in Allen, TX, a suburb of Dallas, and the north Dallas suburbs are a good example of this. Frisco, a very affluent suburb, has a model where as the population grows to a certain level they build another high school. Now that the town has grown exponentially, they have 12 high schools. People flocked there because they wanted the “small” school experience, but as years have gone on they find themselves with similar budget issues. Even in an area with insanely high property taxes, they can’t figure out the best way to budget/fund these schools, recruiting teachers and staffing is very difficult, and the student experience is struggling because of it. They’ve spread themselves too thinly, which sounds similar to the issue in Terre Haute. It’s not nearly that simple of an issue, but I’m summarizing it the best I can.

In Allen we have the largest high school in Texas. I don’t know for sure, but it has to he one of the 10 largest high schools in America. It is highly funded, organized, and the student experience is elite. Our property taxes go to one consolidated base, and all can see the benefits of their contribution. While my kids will most likely never play varsity sports at the high school, we still have plenty of other rec leagues and opportunities for them to compete in sports, which we take advantage. I’m biased because I live here, but I’m a big proponent of the one-school approach, even at the monstrous level I experience in Allen.
I drive 4 times a week from Newburgh to Downtown Lyn Family Stadium/ Butchertown for my daughter to train with Racing Louisville Soccer and make it in an hour and 50 minutes during rush hour both are about 25 min closer so it’s splitting hairs I give you an hour and a half ish but it is closer than Terre Haute. My point the conf focus it there and going that direction not north. They were not really wanting Vincennes 5 or 6 years ago when the brought them in as their conf folded. We good bro!

Google maps says it's 119 miles from "Newburgh" to that stadium, with perfect driving conditions (no dumb traffic, heavy handed cops, accidents, etc), I agree with your 1:50 minutes, which isn't "just over an hour."

for the record, google maps says it's 117 miles from "Newburgh" to "Terre Haute", again depending on traffic... the time is relatively the same

your benefit of Floyds Knobs and Jeffersonville... it's interstate driving from Evansville Metro to Louisville Metro, the ISP will give people a pass that cruise at 72 mph vice different on ISP troopers of folks doing 72 up US 41

I have zero interest in who the SIAC adds, if anyone.

I would think most current Hoosier taxpayers, voters would be MORE concerned with the long term impact of the "Mitch Daniels 'guaranteed Property Tax freezes' " AND the continuing theft of tax coffers to fund unaccountable private schools. were I still living in Indiana, that's my battle line
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They are working on things athletically - but I don’t think they are really the same conversation. The - less athletics opportunities case if you combine the two schools is hilarious to me. I think it actually pushes marginal 2 sport athletes to focus on a single sport and excel at that sport rather than be so/so at 2 sports. Ya all gotta find a way to fight the urge to get locked into an old school mindset - the world has changed.

Apparently Marcus Freeman who coached his team to the national title game thinks differently.

I think it’s a bit of an assumption that kids get left behind in “mega” schools.

I live in Allen, TX, a suburb of Dallas, and the north Dallas suburbs are a good example of this. Frisco, a very affluent suburb, has a model where as the population grows to a certain level they build another high school. Now that the town has grown exponentially, they have 12 high schools. People flocked there because they wanted the “small” school experience, but as years have gone on they find themselves with similar budget issues. Even in an area with insanely high property taxes, they can’t figure out the best way to budget/fund these schools, recruiting teachers and staffing is very difficult, and the student experience is struggling because of it. They’ve spread themselves too thinly, which sounds similar to the issue in Terre Haute. It’s not nearly that simple of an issue, but I’m summarizing it the best I can.

In Allen we have the largest high school in Texas. I don’t know for sure, but it has to he one of the 10 largest high schools in America. It is highly funded, organized, and the student experience is elite. Our property taxes go to one consolidated base, and all can see the benefits of their contribution. While my kids will most likely never play varsity sports at the high school, we still have plenty of other rec leagues and opportunities for them to compete in sports, which we take advantage. I’m biased because I live here, but I’m a big proponent of the one-school approach, even at the monstrous level I experience in Allen.
Something happened when I raised my girls in The Southlake district. They should have 2 High Schools, but built a mega school with a huge football budget. After they graduated, I moved to my Lake house in Granbury.
Terre Haute schools are way behind with their infrastructure. The current project VCSC consist of improvements to upgrade mechanical systems at all three high schools. Otter Creek did recently get an addition of an auxiliary gym, cafeteria, and choir room along with renovation of cafeteria space, performing arts, and locker room spaces. Didn't touch a 1/3 of the school though. In recent years, Clay Community Schools have added additions/renovations. Bloomington built a brand new middle school and tore down the existing. Greencastle has done a renovation/addition at their high school. Covington has done some renovation work. South Putnam did a renovation to the high school and is now building a fieldhouse. Plainfield has done renovations and additions. Cascade is building a fieldhouse.

Being in some of these school corporation buildings is an eye opening experience to what Terre Haute schools currently offers. Plainfield Community School Corporation is pretty impressive and has multiple former VCSC teachers working within the corporation now.

This isn't a knock to VCSC but a truth of reality. Very few of the schools are up to date and when you look around to surrounding communities they are all investing in their infrastructure to provide better experiences for students and staff. When future employers are looking to invest and plant roots in a community two major factors have to be schooling and housing options. Two things that are issues in Terre Haute and things that need work. I will give credit to our local leaders for working to address the housing issue.
Something happened when I raised my girls in The Southlake district. They should have 2 High Schools, but built a mega school with a huge football budget. After they graduated, I moved to my Lake house in Granbury.
Something happened that was bad?