The Odum Level
Isn't Neese the only player left from the Lansing era? Larry was recruited but didn't play, I don't think. Two years later and I think two is it unless I'm missing people.I think the “too much credence” portion of your comment is where it hits me. It hits me with the comments last week about inheriting a program that was empty and hits me again with the Cooper comments.
It’s the regularity of it… Like he’s belaboring these points and it’s odd to me because when you unpack them it’s really not all that accurate. I don’t think he’s trying to be deceptive. I just think he’s wrong or framing these things incorrectly.
All that said - I’d be being disingenuous myself if I didn’t say that GL himself had directly to me made not so endorsing remarks about Cooper especially early in his career.
I will say this - in a few years we won’t have to worry about him talking about the past or players he inherited. Because he’s going to have a full roster of his own guys so they line of questions will be completely different.