[November 4, 2024] Indiana State (0-0) vs Florida Atlantic (0-0)

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He and Cook don't look ready at all. Not that the others are setting the world on fire, but they look really, really lost and are just making volume bad decisions.
Yeah it’s certainly unfair to single anyone out because it’s been bad all around, but I’ve focused in on him. He’s playing very little defense and he looks incredibly sped up which is leading to horrible decision making.

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You guys have to stop… Respectfully, just because it looks nothing like what we were running last year doesn’t mean it’s not the same offense. I will break this down in very specific detail for you all tomorrow. But stop saying we’re not running the same offense - because it’s just not accurate.
Looking forward to it…I’m not a great basketball scheme guy…I get floor spacing a little bit, but not a lot of the rest of it.
A lot of eyes on this forum tonight… 😂😂 Come back on here a month or so from now and see who the real fans are. You’re going to find out really quickly who’s in this for life and who’s in this for a quickie.

So it looks like having all our starters last year in great demand wasn't a fluke after all.They were that good.

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I think I’ve yelled the word “MOVE” about a hundred times at my TV tonight. I’m hoping they’ll hear me eventually.
The people driving the car “our offense” just aren’t as good as who we watched last year. FAU is pretty damn good
Ill try and say something positive…

Teel is a player. I like what I’m seeing from him. He has a full complement of skills to his game.

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